Microbiome Lab is hosting a lecture and Live Q&A: The Microbiome’s Control of Immune Function Presented by Tom Bayne
The world has lived through an unprecedented time with the pandemic spread of COVID19. In an effort to decrease our susceptibility to other harmful viral infections, this is an opportunity to collectively educate patients on the power of preventative healthcare and to get a better understanding of our natural defenses. The microbiome and the immune system are inextricably connected and the immune system would cease to function without the microbiome. The microbiome acts as the “Neighborhood Watch” for the immune system allowing for effective surveillance of a mucosal system that is over 3000sq ft in surface area and inhabited by over 40 trillion microbes. This presentation will provide a review of the components of the immune system, the kinetics of our immune response, and the critical support and check-points manage by the microbiome. One of our most powerful tools in fighting invading pathogens is having a healthy microbiome and this talk will illustrate what exactly that means.
Dr. Tom Bayne is a Chiropractic Physician and public speaker dedicated to understanding and improving the gut microbiome. As the President of Microbiome Labs, Dr. Bayne travels around the world to educate other healthcare practitioners on the connection between the gut microbiome and many chronic diseases. Dr. Bayne’s comprehensive understanding of supplement manufacturing and extensive clinical experience have given him a unique ability to formulate integrative solutions for digestive and immune health. In 2013, he joined forces with microbiologist Kiran Krishnan to develop MegaSporeBiotic® – the world’s first pharmaceutical-grade, 100% spore-based probiotic and the first of many innovative products at Microbiome Labs. In his own clinic, Dr. Bayne has spent over 24 years helping his patients optimize their digestive health, improve autoimmune conditions, and enhance detoxification.