Home Forums Lectures and Case Studies COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Continued Reply To: COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Continued

  • Amy Galvan

    July 3, 2021 at 1:48 pm


    Has anyone noticed the data in Table 4 with the footnotes on this study exploring mRNA vaccine safety for pregnant women? Of the 127 women who got the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine in their first or second trimester, 104 had spontaneous abortion (SA) (miscarriage). Rather than calculate that as 82% (4 of 5 women), it was calculated as only 12.6% because they added in 700 more women who did not have SA because they were vaccinated in their third trimester, after the cutoff of 20 weeks for SA reporting. No discussion was made as to why the SA calculation was made by adding in data from women who, by definition, cannot have SA.